J Korean Radiol Soc.  1981 Jun;17(1):157-165. 10.3348/jkrs.1981.17.1.157.

Bowel complications following radiation therapy in carcinoma of the cervix uteri


It has long been an accepted policy to employ radiation therapy as initial treatement of choice for most casesof invasive carcinoma of cervix uteri. But, complications following radiotherapy were troublesome problem fot thepatients cured by radiation therapy. The aim of the present study is to present the types and rate of complicationsand to evalute the contributing facors induced the radiation complications. The aim of the present study is topresent the types and rate of complications and to evalute the contributing factors induced the radiationcomplications. 957 cases of invasive carcinoma of cervix uteri receiving radiation therapy were analyzed. Theconclusions are as follows; 1. Bowel complications developed in 96 cases (10.03%). 2. 86% of all bowelcomplications appeared during the first 18 months and most frequently seen after 6 to 12 months(40.03%). 3. Thefrequency of complicaiton was higher in older age and larger irradiation dose, but there is no apparentcorrelation between stage and the occurrence of complications. 4. Portal combination was also a contributingfactor. Highest frequency was noted in AP & PA parallel opposing portals followed by 4 oblique portals and boxtechnique.

MeSH Terms

Cervix Uteri*
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