J Korean Radiol Soc.  1984 Dec;20(4):919-929. 10.3348/jkrs.1984.20.4.919.

A radiologic evaluation of bladder tumors on barium-air double contrast cystography and triple-fractionated cystography


Clinically bladder tumors can be easily diagnosed on cystoscopic examination and biopsy in the pateints withsilent hematuria, teminal dribbling and sysuria. But for the evaluation of the extent of tumor invasion, theauthor performed both barium-air double contrast and triple-fractionated cystogrpahy on 16 patients suspected tobe bladder tumor on cystoscopic examinatin in the radiologica department of B.N.U.H. from Sept. 1982 to Aug. 1983. The obtaned results were summarized as follows. 1. On barium-air double contrast cystography and triple-fractinated cytography, 13 cases were concluded as bladder tumor, and 3 cases were consistent with the findigs of chronic inflammation out of the total 16 cases. 2. After operation of 15 cases, 12 cases were confirmed pathologically as transitional cell carcinoma, 1 case as prostatic hypertrophy, and 2 cases as chronic inflammation. Remaining one was biopsied on cystoscopic examination,and confirmed as chronic inflammation. 3. Among 9 cases of transitional cell caracinoma having the evidence of muscle invasion on triple fractionated cystography, 8 cases were confirmed as more than stage B1 on pathologic study, and the other as chronic inflammation. 4. In detecting multiplicity, presence of ulceration, and evaluation of nature of tumor surface, bariumair double contrast cystography was more excellent than cystoscopic results. 5. Cases presenting both ulceration and cauliflower appearance on barium-air double contrast cystography was more than garade III on microscopic evaluation. 6. In conclusion, the author considers the barium-air double contrast and triple-fractionated cystography are easy to performe, resonable in price and have relatively high accuracy intumor detection, staging and grading.

MeSH Terms

Carcinoma, Transitional Cell
Prostatic Hyperplasia
Urinary Bladder Neoplasms*
Urinary Bladder*
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