J Rhinol.  2019 May;26(1):56-59. 10.18787/jr.2019.26.1.56.

A Case of Fibromyxoma Mistaken as an Antrochoanal Polyp

  • 1Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, College of Medicine, Kyung Hee University Hospital at Gangdong, Seoul, Korea. nose4U@gmail.com


Fibromyxomas are uncommon, tenaciously infiltrative neoplasms that infrequently appear in the facial bones and paranasal sinuses. The neoplasms are slow growing and result in expansion of the surrounding bony cortices. In the present study, we report an extremely rare case of antrochoanal fibromyxoma that occluded the ostiomeatal complex and originated from the maxillary sinus inferior wall. Initially, the neoplasm was suspected to be a nasal polyp. However, after endoscopic sinus surgery, the neoplasm was diagnosed as fibromyxoma based on histopathology.


Fibromyxoma; Antrochoanal polyp; Nasal polyp

MeSH Terms

Facial Bones
Maxillary Sinus
Nasal Polyps
Paranasal Sinuses


  • Fig. 1 Sinus endoscopy finding of nasal cavity. A: Right, normal finding, B: Left, visible antrochoanal polyp (white arrow).

  • Fig. 2 Preoperative computed tomography scan. Left nasal cavity antrochoanal polyp and obstruction of ostiomeatal unit causing maxillary sinusitis (white arrow). A: Axial view, B: Coronal view.

  • Fig. 3 Pathologic finding. A: Hypocellular collagenized myxoid stroma (black arrow), exhibiting bland spindle mesenchymal cells (white arrow) (H&E stain, ×200), B: Hypocellular, loosely arranged spindle-shaped stellate cells with a loose myxoid intracellular matrix (white arrow). Mildly to moderately collagenous fibromyxoid stroma with benign stromal cells (black arrow) (H&E stain, ×20).

  • Fig. 4 Sinus endoscopy (6 month follow up). A: Mildely polypoid mucosa (black arrow) at left middle meatus (by 0 degree endoscope), B: Normal finding of maxillary sinus inferior wall via IMA operation site (by 70 degree endoscope).


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