J Korean Orthop Assoc.  2019 Apr;54(2):91-99. 10.4055/jkoa.2019.54.2.91.

Revisional Rotator Cuff Repair

  • 1Department of Orthopedic Surgery, The Catholic University of Korea, St. Vincent's Hospital, Suwon, Korea. osjeong@hotmail.com


Most patients experience pain relief and functional improvement after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair. In some patients, however, symptoms still remain after surgery. Failed rotator cuff repair is a complex outcome of biological, technical, and traumatic factors. Moreover, re-tears might or might not be the main cause for patients with persistent pain after rotator cuff repair. Therefore, a thorough understanding of the patient's history, physical examination, and appropriate imaging studies will be needed to evaluate and manage these patients. The patient's age, functional requirement, quality of the rotator cuff, preoperative range of motion, quality of the deltoid, and glenohumeral arthritis are factors to consider before performing revisional rotator cuff repair. Preoperative patient education is as important as the surgical technique for successful revisional rotator cuff repair.


rotator cuff repair; arthroscopic rotator cuff repair; failed rotator cuff repair; revisional rotator cuff repair; arthroscopic revisional rotator cuff repair

MeSH Terms

Patient Education as Topic
Physical Examination
Range of Motion, Articular
Rotator Cuff*


  • Figure 1 Revisional rotator cuff repair. (A, B) Tear at medial row of double row repair, minimal muscle atrophy and fatty degeneration on magnetic resonance imaging. (C) Dissociation of suture material with tear and a retraction of medial rotator cuff on a failed rotator cuff arthroscopic exam. (D) Separation of tissue from subacromial adhesion. (E) Retrieval of dissociated previous suture material. (F) Side-to-side repair of a re-torn rotator cuff.


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