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The purpose of this study is to examine interventions and supporting systems by dementia stage, take a look at dementia insurance policies in Korea and the United States, and present Korean private insurance programs for dementia patients. According to the study, our suggestions of a design of private insurance products for Korean dementia patients are as follows. First, the products should support people aged 80 and older. Second, new products should include the mild stage dementia in the insurance coverage. Third, non-pharmacological treatments, such as the cognitive stimulation, the cognitive training, and exercises need to be covered through the new private insurance. Fourth, the private insurance should be contained home health care services in its coverage. These suggestions can reduce the dependence of the public insurance, help people choose appropriate treatments for themselves, and give people a good opportunity to improve the effect of dementia treatment and to increase the satisfaction of patients and their families.
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7. Korean Association for Geriatric Psychiatry. Geriatric psychiatry information. cited 2016 Nov 7. Available from: http://www.kagp.or.kr/caller/intro.html.
13. Congressional Research Service. Who pays for long-term services and supports? A fact sheet. cited 2016 Nov 11. Available from: https://fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/R43483.pdf.
18. Seo YJ. World dementia patients' number will be 100 million in 2050. The Joongang Ilbo;2015. 01. 27. cited 2016 Nov 14. Available from: http://news.joins.com/article/17027521.