J Korean Orthop Assoc.  1995 Jun;30(3):732-739. 10.4055/jkoa.1995.30.3.732.

Clinical use of Ender Flexible Intramedullary Nail for the Proximal or Distal third Fracture of Tibia


Authors reviewed 39 cases of proximal or distal fracture which had been managed with Ender flexible intramedullary nails to identify the proper region of tibial fracture for the nail and acceptable indication of retrograde nailing relevant to our clinical experiences. The results were as followings; l. Incidence of malunion with more than 10° of angulation was higher in the fracture of proximal 1/3 tibia than that of distal 1/3. Especially this phenomenon was more significant in case of combination with segmental fracture. 2. As all segmental fractures combined with proximal tibial fracture within 9cm from the plateau were malunited with angulation of 10° or more, another method of internal fixation should be considered. 3. Although degree of angulation was relatively larger in distal tibial fracture within 10cm from the plafond than that beyond 10cm and 2 cases of malunion with angulation of 10° or more were also found within 10cm from tibial plafond, there was no statistically significant difference. 4. Retrograde nailings were performed for 5 cases of proximal 1/3 fractures and 1 case of poor skin condition on the proximal entry. Clinical relevance: Suitable region of tivial fracture managed with Ender-flexible intreamedullary nail was fracture which occurred from 9cm distal to tibial plateau to 10cm proximal to tibial plafond.


Proximal; Distal; Tibia; Fracture; Ender nail

MeSH Terms

Tibial Fractures
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