Korean J Orthod.  2018 Mar;48(2):81-89. 10.4041/kjod.2018.48.2.81.

Evaluation of the effects of miniscrew incorporation in palatal expanders for young adults using finite element analysis

  • 1Department of Orthodontics, College of Dentistry, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea. orthojn@yuhs.ac
  • 2Institute of Craniofacial Deformity, College of Dentistry, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea.
  • 3Division of Anatomy and Developmental Biology, Department of Oral Biology, Human Identification Research Institution, BK21 PLUS Project, College of Dentistry, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea.


The aim of this study was to evaluate the stress distribution and displacement of various craniofacial structures after nonsurgical rapid palatal expansion (RPE) with conventional (C-RPE), bone-borne (B-RPE), and miniscrew-assisted (MARPE) expanders for young adults using three-dimensional finite element analysis (3D FEA).
Conventional, bone-borne, and miniscrew-assisted palatal expanders were designed to simulate expansion in a 3D FE model created from a 20-year-old human dry skull. Stress distribution and the displacement pattern for each circumaxillary suture and anchor tooth were calculated.
The results showed that C-RPE induced the greatest stress along the frontal process of the maxilla and around the anchor teeth, followed by the suture area, whereas B-RPE generated the greatest stress around the miniscrew, although the area was limited within the suture. Compared with the other appliances, MARPE caused relatively even stress distribution, decreased the stress on the buccal plate of the anchor teeth, and reduced tipping of the anchor teeth.
The findings of this study suggest that the incorporation of miniscrews in RPE devices may contribute to force delivery to the sutures and a decrease in excessive stress on the buccal plate. Thus, MARPE may serve as an effective modality for the nonsurgical treatment of transverse maxillary deficiency in young adults.


MARPE; Finite element analysis; Circumaxillary sutures; Buccal plate

MeSH Terms

Finite Element Analysis*
Young Adult*


  • Figure 1 The model used for finite element analysis and the three different appliances used for rapid palatal expansion (RPE) in the present study. A, The three-dimensional finite element model. B, Appliance designs. Conventional RPE (C-RPE) device, which is a tooth-borne device; boneborne RPE (B-RPE) device, which comprises an expander screw with four miniscrews only; miniscrew-assisted RPE (MARPE) device, which is a combination of tooth- and bone-borne RPE devices with four miniscrews.

  • Figure 2 The finite element model showing the von Mises stress distribution over the circumaxillary structures (g/mm2) caused by rapid palatal expansion (RPE) using three different appliances. A, Frontal view; B, horizontal view; C, the midpalatal suture. C-RPE, Conventional RPE; B-RPE, bone-borne RPE; MARPE, miniscrew-assisted RPE.

  • Figure 3 The finite element model showing the dentoalveolar effects of rapid palatal expansion (RPE) using three different appliances. A, Displacement of teeth (mm) on the x-axis, transverse plane. B, Changes in the axes of the anchor teeth in the X–Z plane. The axes of the anchor teeth are represented by magnifying the amount of displacement 500 times. C-RPE, Conventional RPE; B-RPE, bone-borne RPE; MARPE, miniscrew-assisted RPE.

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