Prog Med Phys.  2017 Dec;28(4):226-231. 10.14316/pmp.2017.28.4.226.

Spectra Responsibility of Quantum Dot Doped Organic Liquid Scintillation Dosimeter for Radiation Therapy

  • 1Department of Radiation Oncology, Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea.
  • 2University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
  • 3Division of Physics and Semiconductor Science, Dongguk University, Seoul, Korea.
  • 4Department of Radiation Oncology, National Medical Center, Seoul, Korea.
  • 5Proton Therapy Center, National Cancer Center, Goyang, Korea.
  • 6Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom.


The aim is to investigate the spectra responsibilities of QD (Quantum Dot) for the innovation of new dosimetry application for therapeutic Megavoltage X-ray range. The unique electrical and optical properties of QD are expected to make it a good sensing material for dosimeter. This study shows the spectra responsibility of toluene based ZnCd QD and PPO (2.5-diphenyloxazol) mixed liquid scintillator. The QDs of 4 sizes corresponding to an emission wavelength (ZnCdSe/ZnS:440±5 nm, ZnCdSeS:470, 500, 570±5 nm) were utilized. A liquid scintillator for control sample was made of toluene, PPO. The Composition of QD loaded scintillators are about 99 wt% Toluene as solvent, 1 wt% of PPO as primary scintillator and 0.05, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.4 wt% of QDs as solute. For the spectra responsibility of QD scintillation, they were irradiated for 30 second with 6 MV beam from a LINAC (Infinityâ„¢, Elekta). With the guidance of 1.0 mm core diameter optical fiber, scintillation spectrums were measured by a compact CCD spectrometer which could measure 200~1,000 nm wavelength range (CCS200, Thorlabs). We measured the spectra responsibilities of QD loaded organic liquid scintillators in two scintillation mechanisms. First was the direct transfer and second was using wave shifter. The emission peaks from the direct transfer were measured to be much smaller luminescent intensity than based on the wavelength shift from the PPO to QDs. The emission peak was shifted from PPO emission wavelength 380 nm to each emission wavelength of loaded QD. In both mechanisms, 500 nm QD loaded samples were observed to radiate in the highest luminescence intensity. We observed the spectra responsibility of QD doped toluene based liquid scintillator in order to innovate QD dosimetry applicator. The liquid scintillator loading 0.2 wt% of 500 nm emission wavelength QD has most superior responsibility at 6 MV photon beam. In this study we observed the spectra responsibilities for therapeutic X-ray range. It would be the first step of innovating new radiation dosimetric methods for radiation treatment.


Quantum Dot; Organic Liquid Scintillator

MeSH Terms

Optical Fibers
Quantum Dots*
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