Fig. 1 CCTA, CMRA, and invasive CAG findings. CCTA revealed multifocal coronary artery disease in the left main bifurcation (A, D, arrowheads), proximal left anterior descending artery (A, arrow), proximal left circumflex artery (D, dotted arrow), and mid right coronary artery (G, open arrowhead). Although the CCTA evaluation of the stenosis severity was limited because of calcification (A, D, G), whole-heart CMRA demonstrated significant stenoses of the left main bifurcation (B, E, arrowheads), proximal left circumflex artery (E, dotted arrow), and mid right coronary artery (H, open arrowhead). On the other hand, the calcified plaque in the proximal left anterior descending artery was indicated as an insignificant lesion on CMRA (B, arrow). Good agreement was observed between CMRA and subsequent CAG (C, F, I). CCTA: coronary computed tomography angiography, CMRA: coronary magnetic resonance angiography, CAG: coronary angiography.