Korean J Adult Nurs.  2017 Apr;29(2):154-165. 10.7475/kjan.2017.29.2.154.

The Effects of Smartphone Application to Educate Patient on Patient Safety in Hospitalized Surgical Patients

  • 1Department of Nursing, Sunlin University, Pohang, Korea.
  • 2College of Nursing, Research Institute of Nursing Science, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea. jewelee@knu.ac.kr


This study was designed to evaluate a patient safety application in the prevention of adverse event among surgical patients. Seventy three surgical patients with thirty six of them using the patient safety application and the rest (N=37) were provided educational booklet. Further, the instrument would measure patients' right to know, knowledge about patient safety, and attitude toward patient safety.
The patient safety application was developed by the ADDIE along with input from experts, patients and an extensive literature review. Data were collected from 7 September through 20 October 2015.
The experimental group had significantly higher scores in patients' right to know (t=2.01, p=.024), knowledge on patient safety (t=3.80, p<.001) and attitude toward patient safety (t=2.74, p=.004) than those of the control group.
The patient safety application developed using Smartphone could be an effective tool enhancing patient involvement in preventing adverse events that may occur to patients. Further studies are recommended with diverse subjects with varying medical conditions.

MeSH Terms

Mobile Applications
Patient Participation
Patient Rights
Patient Safety*


  • Figure 1. Development process of the Smartphone application.

  • Figure 2. Contents of Smartphone application for surgical patients.

  • Figure 3. General overview of patient safety application for surgical patients.


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