Korean J Phys Anthropol.  2016 Dec;29(4):135-143. 10.11637/kjpa.2016.29.4.135.

A Study of Bilateral Asymmetry Pattern in the Eye Orbit and Nose of the Joseon Dynasty Skeletal Group Using Geometric Morphometrics

  • 1Department of Anthropology, University at Buffalo, SUNY, USA.
  • 2Division in Anatomy & Developmental Biology, Department of Oral Biology, BK21 PLUS Project, Yonsei University College of Dentistry, Korea.
  • 3Bioanthropology Lab, Department of Anthropology, College of Social Sciences, Seoul National University, Korea. suny@snu.ac.kr


In this study, the pattern of bilateral asymmetry in the eye orbit and nose of the Joseon Dynasty skeletal group was analyzed using geometric morphometrics. For this, 38 adult males and 38 adult females from the Joseon Dynasty skeletal group belonging to the 15(th) to early 20(th) centuries were examined. For geometric morphometric analysis, Procrustes superimposition was performed on 10 landmarks in both eye orbits and 7 nasal landmarks. The data were analyzed by multivariate analysis of variance with partial least square scores. In results, the lateral landmarks had more impact on the bilateral asymmetry in the eye orbit and nose than the center landmarks. The eye orbit and nose on the right side of the face seemed bigger than those of the left side, while the direction of asymmetry in the eye orbit and nose was different. The correlation between asymmetry patterns in the eye orbit and nose were statistically significant (p<0.01). The results of this study will be useful for examining causes of bilateral asymmetry in the eye orbits and noses of the Korean population.


Eye orbit; nose; Bilateral asymmetry; Joseon Dynasty; Geometric morphometrics

MeSH Terms

Multivariate Analysis


  • Fig. 1. Location of skeletal groups in this study. A: Goyang; B: Eunpyeong; C: Paju; D: Anseong.

  • Fig. 2. Landmarks used in this study. 1: supraconchion; 2: fron-tomalareorbitale; 3: ectoconchion; 4: zygoorbitale; 5: dacryon; 6: nasion; 7: infranasion; 8: alare; 9: nariale.

  • Fig. 3. Shape variations in orbit and nasal region according to partial least square (PLS) 1 scores. Black lines represent shape variations as PLS1 scores increases. Gray lines show perfect symmetry of shape in the specimens.

  • Fig. 4. Scatter plot of partial least square (PLS) 1 scores of orbit and nasal region.



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