Ultrasonographic evaluation of urethral stricture
- We studied sonography of saline filled male urethra in 21 cases, who had a urinlary symptoms of urethralstricture. There were 11 cases of anterior urethral stricture, 2 cases of stricture with stone, and 8 cases ofposterior urethral stricture. Sonographic length of urethral stricture was compared with that of retrogradeurethrography. The level and length of urethral stricture in sonography and retrograde urethrography compared tosurgical findings in 7 out of 21 cases. The average lengths of anterior urethral strictures measured by sonographyand retrograde urethrography were 28.15 and 18.75mm. In cases of operation, the sonographic measurement wasconfirmed to be more acurate than urethrographic measurement. Sonography is easier to perform, more available infollow up and has no radiation hazard to the testis than X-ray study. Sonography is more accurate to determine thesite, length and degree of anterior urethral stricture than X-ray study. As sonographic evaluations concerningposterior urethral stricture is impossible because of angulations of the urethra in the posterior urethra in theposterior urethra, retrograde urethrography is preferable.