Role of CT scan in staging of cervical carcinoma
- Accuracy of clinical and CT imaging in staging of cervical carcinoma was determined retrospectively in 26patients in whom the extent of disease was surgically confirmed. Significances and limitations of CT staging wereanalyzed. CT staging was accurate in 20/26(76.9%) and clinical staging was accurate in 22/26(84.6%). So clincalstaging is generally superior to CT in stage Ib or IIa. CT overstaged tumor in 3/26(11.5%) patients andunderstaged tumor in 3/26(11.5%) In clinical staging, incorrected staged 4(15.4%) cases were all understagedtumor. CT detected pelvic nodal enlargement in 4 cases (15.4%) and the incidence was increased by increasingstage. CT is preferable method in detecting LN metastasis. CT staging shows some limitations in patients withstage Ib & IIa carcinoma of the cervix, so it is helpful to refer the clinical findings for precise staging. Andwe emphasize that higher accuracy may be achieved by the use of MRI in staging of early cervical carcinoma.