Health Policy Manag.  2016 Sep;26(3):195-206. 10.4332/KJHPA.2016.26.3.195.

The Effect of Having Usual Source of Care on the Choice among Different Types of Medical Facilities

  • 1National Medical Center, Seoul, Korea.


Concentration of patients to large hospitals is serious problem in Korea. The purpose of this paper is to propose appropriate policy direction to relieve concentration of patients to large hospitals. It is focused on evaluation of the possibility of family doctor system as a policy alternative to relieve concentration of patients to large hospital by empirically analyzing the effect of usual source of care (USC) on large hospitals medical care use.
Korea Health Panel conducted 2009, 2012, 2013 by KIHASA (Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs) and NHIS (National Health Insurance Service) was used for analysis. For dependent variables, first, the ratio of the amount of using large hospital to total amount of using medical care, and second, the amount of using large hospital are estimated. Independent variables are having an USC and type of USC. Panel analysis was done with above variables.
Main results are as follows. First, having an USC increases using large hospital. Second, having a domestic clinic type USC decreases using large hospital and ratio of using large hospital. Third, the effect of domestic clinic type USC is greater in older group, less income group, worse health status group, not having private insurance group, and having chronic disease group.
These results show that family doctor program can be a policy alternative to relieve concentration of patients to large hospital. Nonetheless, primary care system in Korea is unsatisfied. It is recommended to reinforce primary care system and family doctor system to relieve concentration of patients to large hospitals.


Concentration of patients to large hospitals; Family doctor system; Usual source of care; Primary health care; Panel analysis; Korea Health Panel

MeSH Terms

Chronic Disease
Insurance, Health
Primary Health Care
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