Korean J Anesthesiol.
1976 Jun;9(1):57-61.
Clinical Experience with Cardiac Arrest during General Anesthesia in the Reserpinized Patient
- Affiliations
- 1Department of Anesthesiology, Jeon Book University Medical School, Jeonju, Korea.
- The author have experienced two cases of cardiac arrest during general anesthesia foroperation of total hysterectomy and cholecystectomy in the reserpinized patient. There are many influecning factors for cardiac depression during anesthesia, namely, excessive premedication, influence of potent therapeutic drugs used prior to anesthesia, overdose of general anesthetics, raised airway pressure, hemorrhage, surgical maneuvers, change in position or moving the patient, abnormalities of the circulatory system, septic shock, incompatible transfusion, and anaphylactic reaction. For the cases presented, I believe that prior antihypertensive agent was the causative factor. There are many preventive measures and treatment for cardiac depression in antihypertensive cured patient. However in such cases, I conclude that careful history taking and prompt recognition and attention are the most important precaution.