Korean J Anesthesiol.  1977 Dec;10(2):209-214.

Survey of Patient in the Intensive Care Unit for Last 11 Years

  • 1Department of Anesthesiology, National Medical Center, Seoul, Korea.


We have analyzed 2,080 patients who were admitted to the ICU for intensive care during a period of 11 years from April, 1965, when the ICU was opened, to December, 1975. The results are as follows: l. In 11 years, the total number of patients was 2,080 which was 2.5% of 84,933 patients who were admitted to NMC. Among them, operative cases were 724 (35%) and nonoperative were 1, 356(65%). 2. Male patients were more than female Patients (1. 3: l. ) 3. In age groups, the 20 decade had the highest number. 4. The number of patients from Internal Medicine Dept, was highest. 5. Total occupied bed days were 7,497 and majority of patient were in less than 3. 6 days. 6. The patients from the medical department have gradually decreased, but from the surgical department they showed increased pattern. 7. Drug intoxication was the commonest disease among patients. 8. Total mortality rate was 45%, and the highest mortality rate occurred in 30-39 age group.

MeSH Terms

Critical Care*
Intensive Care Units*
Internal Medicine
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