Korean J Anesthesiol.  1979 Dec;12(4):330-333.

Effect of Dibenzyline on Blood Pressure, Heart Rate snd Respiratory Rate in Rabbits During Increased Intraeranial Pressure

  • 1Department of Physiology, School of Medicine, Kyungpook National University, Taegu, Korea.
  • 2Department of Anesthesiology, School of Medicine, Kyungpook National University, Taegu, Korea.


It has been reported that a rapid elevation in the intracranial pressure is associated with increased arterial pressure, reduced heart rate and irregular respiration. In the present study an effort was directed to observe the possible blocking effect of dibenzyline, an alpha-sympathetic blocking agent, administered prior to the intracranial pressure elevation. Alhino rabbits were divided into two experimental groups: in one group, the intracranial pressure was raised by infusing normal saline into the extradural space and was sustained for 30 minutes, while in the other group, dibenzyline(12mg/kg B.W.) was administered 16 hours prior to the intracanial pressure elevation. In both groups, the arterial pressure, heart rate and respiratory rate were measured for 30 minutes at 5 minuteintervals. In the intracranial pressure elevated group, the arterial pressure increased to 99 mmHg at 10 minutes in comparison with 88mmHg in the beginning. At 25 minutes, it returned to or near its initial level. The slowing of the heart rate was seen toward the end of the response, i.e. in the beginning, 269 rate/min, at the end, 214 rate/min. The respiratory rate did not show any significant change. In the dibenzyline pretreated group, the arterial pressure and heart rate did not change markedly from the initial levels. From the above result, it can be stated that dibenzyline has blocking effects on the increased arterial pressure and reduced heart rate in rabbits during increased intracranial pressure.

MeSH Terms

Arterial Pressure
Blood Pressure*
Heart Rate*
Intracranial Pressure
Respiratory Rate*
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