J Korean Soc Med Inform.  2009 Mar;15(1):153-163.

Needs, Uses and Evaluation of Internet Health Information Among Students in a Provincial University

  • 1Department Medical Informatics, Soonchunhyang University, Korea.
  • 2In-campus Health Center, Soonchunhyang University, Korea.
  • 3Health Management Team, Seoul Metropolitan Dongbu Hospital, Korea.
  • 4Department Nursing, Hanyang University, Korea. joyhippo@hanyang.ac.kr


This study aims to investigate the needs, uses and evaluation of Internet health information among students in a provincial university.
Nine hundred and sixty one student from seven different classes of S University located in Chungnam province participated in this study from 2nd to 9th May, 2005. A self-reported questionnaire was used to collect data. Collected data were analyzed on SPSS 11.0.
58.2% of them have needed some health information before and 84.6% of them needed the health information offered by a University. 67.2% of them use the Internet more than any other resource to acquire Health Information. 90.9% of them used a search engines to get health information on the Internet. 57.6% of them have searched for Internet health information to get information about specific disease or medical problem. The most frequently searched topics were LASIK(laser in-situ Keratomileusis), diabetes, and contraception. 39.6% of them evaluated the Internet health information was reliable and 55.8% of them satisfied with the Internet health information.
Universities and their in-campus health centers are needed to offer the trustworthy Internet health informtaion on their official homepages so that the student can refer to the reliable and qualified Internet health information.


Internet; Consumer Health Information; Student Health Services; Community Health Center

MeSH Terms

Community Health Centers
Consumer Health Information
Search Engine
Student Health Services


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