J Korean Soc Surg Hand.  2016 Sep;21(3):113-121. 10.12790/jkssh.2016.21.3.113.

Prevalence and Clinical Characteristics of Neurogenic Thoracic Outlet Syndrome in Specific Industrial Field

  • 1Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Kosin University Gospel Hospital, Busan, Korea. handkwon@hotmail.com


The aim of this study was to analyze the multiple factors as a cause of thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) in specific industrial field which is a South Korea company manufacturing rolling stock, defense products and plant equipment.
We analyzed questionnaire survey of 30 patients diagnosed as TOS at outpatient department from January 2005 to October 2015 retrospectively. We reviewed clinical records and questionnaire about repetitive task related to microtrauma. Questionnaire was established to analyze the correlation between occupational history and TOS. Statistical test was done with multiple regression analysis.
Incidence rate was 9%, all of 30 patients engaged in heavy workload with symptoms of pain in neck and shoulder. A multiple regression was run to predict arm visual analogue scale (VAS) score from age, force of work, time of work and career. The model of analysis for arm VAS was statistically significant, p<0.001, adjusted r²=0.489. Only force of work variable added was statistically significantly to the prediction, p<0.001.
Prevalence of TOS in highly loaded industrial field is higher than typically known, appropriate diagnosis is important for early comeback to work. Aggressive diagnosis and treatment is important since non-operative treatment can have satisfying result for patient and help early comeback to work.


Thoracic outlet syndrome; Prevalence; Occupational diseases

MeSH Terms

Occupational Diseases
Retrospective Studies
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome*

Cited by  1 articles

Clinical Efficacy of Scalene Injection for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Samuel Baek, Seok Kim, Myung Ho Shin, Tae Min Kim, Seoung-Joon Lee, Sung Jin An, Sang-Hyo Kim, Young-Ho Kwon
Arch Hand Microsurg. 2021;26(4):309-314.    doi: 10.12790/ahm.20.0064.


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