Korean J Adult Nurs.  2014 Feb;26(1):78-88. 10.7475/kjan.2014.26.1.78.

Construction of the Structural Equation Model on Binge Drinking among Korean Undergraduate Students

  • 1College of Nursing, Catholic University of Pusan, Busan, Korea. marse@cup.ac.kr


The purpose of this study was to construct a structural equation model (SEM) that would describe the binge drinking among Korean undergraduate students.
Model construction was based on the theory of planned behavior and prototype/willingness model, using the variables; intention, attitude, descriptive norm, and prototype perception of binge drinking, alcohol use disorders identification test (AUDIT), and binge drinking behavior. The analysis of data was done with both SPSS 20.0 for descriptive statistics and AMOS 20.0 for SEM.
The binge drinking intention was found to have a significantly direct effect in influencing binge drinking behavior. In addition, attitude, descriptive norm, and prototype perception of binge drinking were found to have a significantly direct effect in influencing binge drinking intention. The final modified model yielded chi2=374.2 (p<.001), df=174, chi2/df=2.15, GFI=.87, AGFI=.82, NFI=.89, PNFI=.73 RMSEA=.07, and CFI=.94.
This study constructed a model that addressed the factors related to binge drinking and described the relationship of these factors in influencing binge drinking among Korean undergraduate students. Findings from this study can contribute to designing appropriate prevention strategies to reduce problem related binge drinking in undergraduate students.

MeSH Terms

Binge Drinking*


  • Figure 1 Hypothetical model with parameter estimates for binge drinking.

  • Figure 2 Path diagram of the modified model.


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