J Korean Neuropsychiatr Assoc.  2003 Mar;42(2):157-170.

Linguistic Study on Sentences in the Textbooks and Papers of the Neuropsychiatric Community

  • 1The National Academy of the Korean Language, Seoul, Korea.


There were many problems related to the regulations of speech and writing, words, meanings, sentences, expressions and paragraphs in the textbooks and papers of the neuropsychiatric community. The Korean orthography, particularly spacing words, the rules of spelling loan word and romanization of Korean were often violated in those literatures. In the aspects of words and meanings, the cases with inappropriate selection of words and vagueness in the sentential meanings were found. Especially, redundant expressions, overuse of the foreign languages and loan words, and unnecessary causative expressions were often found. And also omissions of indispensable constituents, disagreements among the constituents, inappropriate connections occurred in the sentences. The expressions were unnatural because of the overuse of noun phrases and metaphrastic styles, also there were many paragraphs lacking of unity, closeness, and completeness. These problems cause the difficulties in understanding the contents of the writing and deteriorate the credibility of the writing, so the author should improve his abilities to understand and use properly Korean language.


Korean orthography; Words; Meanings; Sentences; Expressions; Paragraphs

MeSH Terms

Social Control, Formal
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