J Korean Neuropsychiatr Assoc.  1998 Sep;37(5):952-961.

Body-Shape Satisfaction and Adjustment Functions in Obese Adolescent School Girls

  • 1Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, Chungnam National University, Taejon, Korea.


This study was designed to explore body-shape satisfaction and adjustment functions in 410 adolescent school girls.
After underweight, normal-weight and overweight groups were identified among 410 high school girls according to BMI(body mass index), we compared current weight & height, ideal weight & height, subtracted value of ideal weight from current weight, subtracted value of ideal height from current height, subtracted value of ideal BMI from current BMI, weight dissatisfaction, height dissatisfaction,body-shape dissatisfaction,and EAT-26(Eating attitude Test-26),OSIQ(Offer Self-Image Questionnaire for Adolescents), STAI(State-Trait Anxiety Inventory),BDI(Beck Depression Inventory),BITE(Bulimic Investigatory Test Edinburgh) among the three group.
1) The subjects consisted with overweight group(BMI > 25,N=27,6.6%), normal-weight group(19< or = BMI < or =25,N=278,67.8%),and underweight group(BMI<19, N=105, 25.6%). 2) In comparison to other groups, overweight group was significantly different in subtracted value of ideal weight from current weight and subtracted value of ideal height from current height. These results suggest that overweight group wants greater body-shape change than other groups. Overweight group was significantly shorter in height than underweight group there were no significant differences in ideal height among the groups. 3) Overweight group and normal-weight group showed significantly highter weight dissatisfaction than underweight group. There were no significant differences in height dissatisfaction and body-shape dissatisfaction among the three groups. All groups showed higher weight, height dissatisfaction and body-shape dissatisfaction except higher weight dissatisfaction in underweight group. 4) In comparison of overweignt group with other groups by mean difference of each scale, there was significant difference in superior adjustment subscale of the OSIQ and symptom subscale of the BITE between overweight group and other groups. There was also significant difference in symptom severity subscale of the BITE between overweight and underweight groups. There was no significant difference in EAT-26,STAI,BDI,other subscales of OSIQ among the groups.
1) The distribution rate of overweight group was lower than in western studies. 2) These results suggest that overweight group wants greater body-shape change than other groups, and overweight group may have binge-eating behavior and poor coping system.


Obesity; Body-shape satisfaction; Adjustment function; BMI

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