J Korean Neurosurg Soc.  2003 Jun;33(6):567-571.

Changes of the Disease Distribution at a Neurosurgical Department in a University Hospital

  • 1Department of Neurosurgery, Soonchunhyang University Chonan Hospital, Chonan, Korea. kslshl@schch.co.kr


The distribution of disorders changes according to the change of environment or customs with time. Geriatric disorders are increasing along with the increase of the life span. A new therapeutic method may change the management of a certain disease. As a Korean neurosurgeon, they should have sufficient knowledge on certain disorders that are common or practically significant in Korea. There are few reports to evaluate the distribution or trends of neurosurgical disorders in Korea. We evaluated the distribution and trends of neurosurgical disorders of the patients who admitted to a neurosurgical department of a university hospital in Korea during a 5-year-period. METHODS: From January 1997 to December 2001, the total number of admission was 4, 772. The total number of operation was 2, 603. We used a standardized database model for collection of the patient data, which was developed by one of us. Disorders are classified into 13 categories, such as head injury, spine injury, vascular disorders, degenerative spinal disorders, cranial tumors, spinal tumors, infection, peripheral nerve disorders, functional disorders, pain, congenital disorders, and others. RESULTS: Head injury(32.5%), vascular disorders(27.7%), spine injury(15.5%), and degenerative spinal disorders(11.5%) occupied 87.2% of total disorders of the inpatient. The age distribution was peak at 61-75 year old group, about 60% of the total inpatients was 45 year old or more. During this 5-year-period, patients more than 60 year old were increasing, while patients of 16-30-year-old group were decreasing. The proportions of the head injury and vascular disorders were decreasing, while those of the degenerative spinal disorders, spine injury and cranial tumors were increasing. CONCLUSION: We should pay attention to the common or increasing disorders. It seems to be of value to collect and analyze the neurosurgical epidemiological data for education and planning of the neurosurgical manpower.


Incidence; Data collection; Neurosurgery; Epidemiology

MeSH Terms

Age Distribution
Congenital, Hereditary, and Neonatal Diseases and Abnormalities
Craniocerebral Trauma
Data Collection
Middle Aged
Peripheral Nerves
Vascular System Injuries
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