J Korean Ophthalmol Soc.  2004 Sep;45(9):1446-1450.

Effect of Vitreous on the Anterior Chamber Depth after Cataract Surgery

  • 1Department of Ophthalmology, College of Medicine, University of Ulsan Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea. hwtchah@amc.seoul.kr
  • 2HanGil Eye Hospital, Korea.


To determine the changes of location of intraocular lens (IOL) and refractive errors in the cases of vitrectomized eyes and non-vitrectomized eyes, we evaluated the anterior chamber depth and refractive errors after phacoemulsification and posterior chamber IOL implantation. METHODS: In 21 vitrectomized eyes of 21 patients (group 1) and 22 non-vitrecomized eyes of 22 patients (group 2), the anterior chamber depth was measured with Orbscan II (Bausch and Lomb Surgical, Germany) for the evaluation of changes of anterior chamber depth preoperatively, at 1 month and 3 months postoperatively. We compared the desired refraction by preoperative data, and postoperative manifest refraction of postoperative 1 month and 3 months. RESULTS: In group 1, the anterior chamber was deeper than that of group 2 postoperative 1 month but the result was not statistically significant. After 3 months the chamber depth was significantly deeper in group 1 than group 2, (P=0.047), and refractive errors were significantly more hyperopic in group 1 than group 2. CONCLUSIONS: The vitreous influenced the location of IOL after phacoemulsification and posterior chamber IOL implantation, so in the cases of vitrectomized eyes IOL was more posteriorly located, and thus hyperopic shift was noted.


Anterior chamber depth; IOL; Non-vitrectomized eyes; Vitrectomized eyes

MeSH Terms

Anterior Chamber*
Lenses, Intraocular
Refractive Errors
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