J Korean Ophthalmol Soc.
2000 Mar;41(3):737-743.
Clinical Characteristics of Dural Cavernous Sinus Fistula
- Affiliations
- 1The Institute of Vision Research.
- 2Department of Ophthalmology, College of Medicine, Yonsei University.
- Dural shunts are vascular communications in which blood flows through small meningeal branches of the carotid arteries to enter the venous circulation near the cavernous sinus. The clinical characteristics of 13 eyes[12 patients] with dural cavernous sinus fistula are described. Of these patients, 84.6%[11 eyes]were women with dilated conjunctival and episcler-al vessels, exophthalmos, retinal hemorrhage and venous engorgement, elevation of intraocular pressure, swelling of lid and orbital area, limited eye movement and diplopia, and bruit, in order of frequency. Decreased vision had occurred in only 1 eye, due to central retinal vein obstruction during follow-up periods after embolization. CT or MRI scan showed the enlargement of the extraocular muscle and superior ophthalmic vein. Two eyes had resolved spontaneously. Ten eyes of dural cavernous sinus fistula had the resolution of clinical symptoms after carotid angiography with embolization. The complications after embolization had occurred in one eye with transient sensory deficit of face.