J Korean Ophthalmol Soc.  2000 Mar;41(3):677-683.

Normal Value for Microperimetry with the Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscope

  • 1Department of Ophthalmology, College of Medicine, Kyung-Hee University.


Fundus perimetry is the device that provides visualization of the fundus and the precise localization of the stimuli on it. With the increasing importance of the direct fundus perimetry for certain focal retinal morphologic abnormalities, the scanning laser ophthalmoscope[SLO]has been utilized as a system to eliminate some of the classic technical problems in fundus perimetry. The aim of this study was to evaluate the normal light sensitivity values for microperimetryusing SLO system. Thirty eyes of thirty normal subjects were examined in 60 degrees image field using stimuli of variable intensity. The maximal retinal distance point which responded to stimulus was recorded, point which responded to stimulus was recorded, and the distance[millimeter]from the fovea was calculated by the Bennett formula. The maximum distance from the fovea at the given stimulus intensity was measured as follows :0.7596 +/-0.5262millimeter at 28decibel, 2.2050 +/-0.5878millimeter at 26decibel, 3.0571 +/-0.7151millimeter at 24decibel, 4.3690 +/-1.0973millimeter at 22decibel, and 5.6557 +/-1.3458millimeter at 20decibel. In conclusion, we were able to establish the normal range of light sensitivity in Microperimery examination. It may serve as the baseline for subsequent study of retinal pathology and functional evaluation as well as its treatment.

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