J Korean Diet Assoc.  2004 Aug;10(3):309-321.

The Analysis of Customers Satisfaction on Foodservice Quality according to the Types of Foodservice

  • 1National Tax Service of Korea, Korea.
  • 2Department of Food & Nutrition, Yonsei University, Korea. kwaktk@yonsei.ac.kr
  • 3Major in Foodservice Management & Nutrition, Sangmyung University, Korea.


This research was conducted to increase the customer satisfaction through the evaluation of their satisfaction in employee-feeding foodservice operations according to the types of foodservice. The questionnaires were distributed to randomly selected customers of employee-feeding foodservice 120 each at two public organizations, two companies and two colleges. SPSS was used for descriptive analysis, Cronbach's Alpha value and Anova test. Six hundred seventy eight respondents in self-managed foodservices and 660 in contracted foodservices were participated for the survey. On average, the number of male respondents(67.9%) was more than twice than the number of female respondents(32.1%). As for the age group, twenties were the major with 48.5% at self-managed foodservices, 56.2% at contracted foodservices. With the marital state of the users, 57% at self-managed foodservices, 61.2% at contracted foodservices were single, showing higher proportion of non-married users at contracted foodservices. In all categories comprising the foodservice satisfaction, significant differences were shown in the quality of foods(p<0.001), tangibility(p<0.05) and empathy(p<0.05) according to the types of foodservice. Responsiveness(2.9+/-0.87) was ranked for the highest degree of satisfaction and reliance(2.32+/-0.76) was the lowest at self-managed foodservices. The result at contracted foodservices showed the same categorical order with responsiveness(2.9+/-0.87) ranked at the first and reliance(2.32+/-0.76) at the last.


employee-feeding foodservice; self-managed.contracted; satisfaction

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Surveys and Questionnaires
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