J Nurs Acad Soc.  1986 Aug;16(2):53-62.

A Study About The Health Problems of Post Hysterectomy Woman


The purpose of this study was to understand the pattern of health problems of post hysterectomy women by the period after their operation and to find out the related factors with health problems. A descriptive study was done using a survey methodology. The subjects were women who had undergone a hysterectomy for benign gynecological diseases at two general hospitals. They were all between one month and three year post hysterectomy as of July 15, 1985. The results are summarized as follows; 1. The percentages of the subject who were experiencing operative symptom of 1st, 2nd and 3rd year group53.8%. 46.2%. 37.4% respectively. The percentages of the subjects who were experiencing menopause symptom of 1st, 2nd and 3rd year group-39.0%, 35.0%, 33.7%. respectively. 2. The operative factor scores of 1,2,3 year group were 20.218, 13.646, 14.030 respectively. The menopause factor scores of 1,2,3 year group-were 19.055, 17.845, 17.606 respectively. 3. The sociodemographic & physiologic characteristics of the subject were as follows; the mean age of the subject was 44.47 years old, 56.2% of them, were high school graduates, 73.5% had any religion, 18.3% had job, 72.6% were middle economic class, 54.3% had medical insurance, 78.4% lived in nuclei family system, the mean pregnancy number was 5.63, the mean delivery number was 2.92, 71.2% of them were diagnosed as myoma, and half of them had preserved their ovary. 4. No one factors among the 10 factors were indentified having any relation with health problem of post hysterectomy women.

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Hospitals, General
Surveys and Questionnaires
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