J Korean Acad Rehabil Med.  1998 Oct;22(5):1035-1039.

Computer Generated Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of the Auditory Pathway Structures of Brainstem

  • 1Department of Rehabilitation, Korea University Medical College.


The purpose of the study is to draw the three-dimensional reconstructions of nuclei and tracts of the auditory pathway structures of drainstem. METHOD: The drawings of 1 mm sections of the brainstem were scanned with a computer scanner into AUTOCAD program. All lines of structures except for the auditory pathway structures and outlines were removed. Each layer was plotted to a x, y, and z coordinated plotting reference to the corresponding points on the mid-sagittal plane and reconstructed to a three-dimensional drawing. Center point of the auditory pathway structures of all cross section layers were connected with a line in succession and that was thought to be a imaginary pathway of auditory pathway through the brainstem.
This auditory pathway has several turning points, at the cochlear nucleus, superior olivary nucleus, and inferior colliculus which correspond with known generation sources of the peak of brainstem evoked potentials.
This study presents a method for the conversion of the two-dimensional transverse sections into a three-dimensional format, to allow the visualization of the auditory pathway structures from multiple directions.


Three-dimensional computer reconstruction; Auditory pathway; Brainstem evoked potential

MeSH Terms

Auditory Pathways*
Brain Stem*
Cochlear Nucleus
Evoked Potentials
Inferior Colliculi
Olivary Nucleus
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