J Korean Acad Nurs Adm.  2014 Jun;20(3):257-271.

Development of a Nursing Competence Measurement Scale according to Nurse's Clinical Ladder in General Wards

  • 1Nursing Department of Kangbuk Samsung Hospital, Korea.
  • 2College of Nursing, The Catholic University of Korea, Korea. kncpjo@catholic.ac.kr


This methodological study was done to develop a Nursing Competency Measurement Scale based on the clinical ladders of nurses working in wards.
Thirty clinical experts and 501 ward nurses evaluated the content validity of the scale. A survey using the Nursing Competency Measurement Scale was conducted with 114 nurses to evaluate reliability and applicability of the instrument. Data were analyzed using SPSS/WIN 21.0.
A review of the literature identified 13 components of nursing competencies and 30 core nursing competencies based on each of the 4 grade clinical ladders. Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the total was .92. Cronbach's alpha reliabilities of each clinical ladder grade were .83 for Grade I, .84 for Grade II, .81 for Grade III, and .84 for Grade IV. The Content Validity Index (CVI) of the scale with 120 individual items was 0.976~1.000 for Grade I scale, 0.986~1.000 for Grade II scale, 0.984~1.000 for Grade III scale, and 0.992~1.000 for Grade IV scale. The expert group nurses' average degree of nursing competence measured using the scale was 3.38~3.75 out of 4.0.
Through this process, 120 final questions were confirmed to represent items of the Nursing Competency Measurement Scale based on clinical grade.


Nurse; Career; Competency; Clinical ladder

MeSH Terms

Career Mobility*
Mental Competency*
Patients' Rooms*


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