J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs.  1995 Jul;2(1):45-53.

A Theoretical Approach to the Nursing of Tae-yang Symptom

  • 1Department of Nursing, Won Kwang Junior Health College.


In order to nursing practice of the patient in Oriental medicine, it is suggested that the fundamental recognition of Oriental medicine should be preceded. It is, however, difficult that we comprehend Oriental medicine generally since it is different from Western medicine in the point of th symptom. We have thought that is to be carried out to select and analyze a disease by the sense of Oriental medicine for the establishment of Oriental medical nursing. So we have tried out the analysis of Tae-Yang. In view of the results so far achieved, it has been suggested that Tae-Yang Symptom applies to the first step of Sanghan Yug Kyung Symptom and consists of Palsy, Sanghan, Onbyung, Dropsy, and Congestion. In the Oriental medicine, Tae-yang Symptom is recognized to be concerned with a common cold and the respiratory, renal and hepatic diseases. In the points of Orintal medicine, it is noticed that Tae-Yang Symptom is caused by the wind and cold evil, is related to human resisting force, and is fused with each other. And the treatment of Tae-Yang Symptom is various by the cause and the pathological mechanism. In the points of Western medicine, it is difficult to comprehend that various disease germs revolving each disease are implied by identical symptom. The summary of this study are as follows ; 1. In the outer-caused diseases, so called Tae-Yang Symptom, it is an important index to the patient's resisting force and the type of a disease whether he sweats, chills and the pulse is tense or not. 2. the treatments are various according the body's resisting force and the type of symptoms ; harmonizing Yung & Wee to Weakness of surface, soporifics flourishing of evils, and antifebriles to On-byung. 3. If Tae-Yang Symptom is not cured, it progresses to develop complications ; Dropsy & congestion, the former brings about renal diseases and the latter hepatic diseases. According to the results mentioned above, we have come to the conclusion that the Oriental - medical nursing must emphasis the body's sesiting force and the type of symptoms rather than the name of a disease.

MeSH Terms

Common Cold
Estrogens, Conjugated (USP)
Medicine, East Asian Traditional
Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation
Estrogens, Conjugated (USP)
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