J Korean Acad Fam Med.  2002 Apr;23(4):496-509.

The relationship between headache, depressive tendency and family function-in high school girls in Seoul-

  • 1Department of Family Medicine, Medical College, Korea University, Korea.
  • 2Department of Sin-Banpo Clinic, Korea.
  • 3Department of Chung-Gu Sungsim Hospital, Korea.


BACKGROUND: Headache is one of the most common symptoms having experienced by many people. High school girls are expected to experience headache very often. Their proper treatment and adequate medical service is doubtful, and stressful environment of the Korean high school will augment the chronicity of headache. Knowing the forms of headache and categorizing the headache according to headache classification system is important for proper treatment of headache. Types of headache in high school girls have been categorized using International Headache Society (IHS) system. The relationships of headache with Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and Family APGAR score of the headache groups and control group are investigated. Thus, the purpose of this study was to attribute to the treatment of the headache in female youths.
The questionnaires .on headache, under direct interviews, was given to each high school girls in Seoul, from March 1 to 31, 1999. The headache group was subclassified into migraine group, tension headache group and other headache group, using IHS system. Furthermore, the migraine group was subclassified into migraine with aura (classic migraine), migraine without aura (common migraine) and other migronous disorder. The students who had not experienced any headaches during the recent one year have been selected as the normal group. The normal group was compared with the headache group, i.e., tension headache and migraine. Depressed tendency was assessed using the BDI; and family function was evaluated by Family APGAR. The data are analyzed using SPSS 8.0.
Among the subjects, 304 (60.4%) high school girls had experienced a headache during the previous one year. The girls with migraine, tension headache, and other types of headache were 110 (38%), 81 (27%) and 113 (35%), respectively. The migraine group showed higher BDI scores (p<0.01). Also, the migraine group showed more depressiveness than the normal group (p<0.01), according to the scores on the BDI which were greater than the cutting score of 21. In the Family APGAR, there was no significant difference between the headache groups and the normal group.(P>0.05)
When the headache in high school girls was classified by using IHS system, headache in the migraine group was more prevalent than in the tension headache group and normal group. And the migraine group had more depressive tendency. When physicians deal with the headache in high school girls, they need to be aware of migraine headache and associated depressive tendency.


headache; depressive tendency; high school girls

MeSH Terms

Apgar Score
Migraine Disorders
Migraine with Aura
Migraine without Aura
Tension-Type Headache
Surveys and Questionnaires
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