J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs.  2011 Mar;22(1):56-65. 10.12799/jkachn.2011.22.1.56.

A Study on the Prevalence of Clonorchis Sinensis and the Effects of Educational Program among Residents in the Basin of the Youngsan River, Korea

  • 1Department of Nursing, Sunmoon University, Korea.
  • 2Department of Nursing, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Korea.
  • 3Department of Nursing, Soonchunhyang University, Korea.
  • 4Department of Nursing, Munkyung College, Korea. hs9650101@hanmail.net


The goal of this study was to analyze the prevalence of Clonorchis sinensis infection in people living within 5 km of the Youngsan River basin, to develop an educational program to prevent the infection, and to examine the effects of the educational program.
This study employed a one group pretest-posttest design, the subjects were 384. This study was conducted from November 20, 2008 to June 16, 2009. The results were analyzed with the SPSS/WIN 18.0 program.
Of the residents, 5.7% were infected with Clonorchis sinensis and the knowledge level about the prevention of Clonorchis sinensis was improved significantly from 9.75+/-5.12 points before the education to 15.05+/-2.43 points after the education. One of the important effects was that the willingness to eat raw fresh-water fish was reduced after the education.
Based on the results of this study, a continuous research needs to be conducted on how education and knowledge level-up change people's living attitudes for the prevention of Clonorchis sinensis infection and the reduction of the infection rate in the future.


Clonorchis sinensis; Knowledge; Attitude; Intention

MeSH Terms

Clonorchis sinensis*

Cited by  4 articles

The Effects of Case Management for Clients with Clonorchiasis in Riverside Areas
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J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2012;23(4):427-437.    doi: 10.12799/jkachn.2012.23.4.427.

The Effects of Case Management for Clients with Clonorchiasis in Riverside Areas
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