Korean J Urol.  1980 Apr;21(2):163-171.

Ureteral Implantation to Bladder and Intestine

  • 1Department of Urology, Catholic Medical College, Seoul, Korea.


The clinical observation of 146 cases of ureterocystostomy and ureteroenterostomy was Department of Urology, Catholic Medical College, during the period from January 1969 to September 1979. The results of this observation were as follows; 1. Among 172 ureters of 146 cases, the method of operation were ureterocystostomy in 127 ureters (79.7%), Boari operation in 6 cases(3.5%) and ureteroenterostomy in 39 ureters (22.7%). 109 ureters of 129 ureterocystomy were implanted by antireflux procedure and 18 ureters of 129 stostomyureterocy were implanted by direct anastomosis. 2. The underlying disease of 146 cases were chronic renal failure (transplantation of kidney) in 50 cases (32.2%). bladder Ca in 34 cases(23.3%) and ureteral stricture due to due in 24 cases (16.4%). 3. The complications of 127 ureterocystostomy were observed in 21 ureters(l6.1%). The complications of lO9 antireflux procedure were observed in 16 ureters(14.8%), but the complications of 18 direct anastomosis were observed in 5 ureters(27.8%). 4. The rate of complication accounted for 50% of Boari operation. The rate of complication accounted for 12.8% of ureteroenterostomy. Among the 39 ureters of ureteroenterostomy, 28 ureters were implanted to ileum in order to make the ileal conduit in bladder Ca.


ureteral implantation; ureterocystostomy

MeSH Terms

Constriction, Pathologic
Kidney Failure, Chronic
Urinary Bladder*
Urinary Diversion
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