Korean J Prev Med.
1979 Oct;12(1):31-37.
Analysis of Health Conditions Influencing on Industrial Accidents by Cornell Medical Index
- By evaluating the health status of 152 male workers engaged in a metal-product factory by Cornell Medical Index in conjunction with their experience of industrial accident, I attempted to find out whether any health condition may effect on the occurrence of industrial accident. Differences in frequency of complaints in each section of CMI between control workers and accident workers were statistically tested by T-test. On the other hand, influence of neuropsychiatric factors (section M-R) on the occurrence of accidents was analyzed by X(2)-test with Fukamachi's classification. The followings were the results obtained in this study. 1. The average number (26.42) of physical complaints in accident group is significantly more than in control group (18.70). 2. The average number (17.70) of mental complaints in accident group is very significantly more than in control group (11.70). 3. Differences in frequencies of complaints by sections between accident group and control group was all significant except C(cardiovascular system), H(genitourinary system), I (fatigue) & J (frequency of disease). 4. Frequency rate of neurotic workers who were identified by Fukamachi's classification was significantly higher in accident group (72%) than in control group (51%).