Korean J Pathol.
1998 Jul;32(7):543-545.
Hemorrhagic Pseudocyst of the Adrenal Gland: A case report
- Affiliations
- 1Department of Clinical Pathology, Catholic University Medical College, Inchun, Korea.
- 2Department of Radiology, Catholic University Medical College, Inchun, Korea.
- 3Department of Surgery, Catholic University Medical College, Inchun, Korea.
Adrenal pseudocysts are rare benign cystic lesions resulting from a hemorrhage into a normal parenchyme of the adrenal gland. Although the frequency of adrenal cysts are increasing due to improved radiologic imaging techniques, only two cases have been reported in Korean literatures. A 63-year-old man was presented with a 10-year history of a mass in the right abdomen. Abdominal computed tomogram and a magnetic resonance image study showed a 9 cm sized well defined heterogeneous low attenuated mass in the right suprarenal area. Gross examination revealed an ovoid rubbery mass measuring 10 9 8 cm and weighing 355 gm. The content of this lesion was tan to deep brown, necrotic, and creamy with myxoid areas. Histologic examination revealed compressed, thin layers of adrenal cortex embedded in the fibrous tissue, and the cystic contents were eosinophilic fibrinoid materials with a few dilated cavernous vascular spaces lined by endothelial cells.