Korean J Leg Med.  2013 Feb;37(1):38-41. 10.7580/kjlm.2013.37.1.38.

A Case of Molecular Analysis of XX Male Syndrome

  • 1Department of Forensic Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. sdlee@snu.ac.kr
  • 2Institute of Forensic Science, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
  • 3Dowgene, Seoul, Korea.


Sex typing may become the start point in investigations that are usually performed through amelogenin typing. In cases involving genotype-phenotype discrepancy, amelogenin typing could yield misleading results. The rare XX male syndrome is characterized by a phenotypic male with a 46, XX female karyotype. In this point, this case report would help understand the importance of genotype-phenotype discrepancy.


XX male syndrome; Y chromosome; SRY gene; DNA testing

MeSH Terms

Genes, sry
Klinefelter Syndrome
Y Chromosome


  • Fig. 1. This electropherogram is a DNA typing result of XX male syndrome patient using Y chromosome test system.

  • Fig. 2. This electropherogram is a sex typing result using X chromosome test system.

  • Fig. 3. This electropherogram is a sex typing result using autosomal test system.


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