Korean J Anesthesiol.  1994 Jan;27(1):84-89. 10.4097/kjae.1994.27.1.84.

A Clinical Survey of Patients of the Intensive Care Unit in Wonju Christian Hospital

  • 1Department of Anesthesiology, Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine, Wonju, Korea.


We analyzed 5,504 ICU patients who were admitted between Mar. 1985 and Feb. 1989 to obtain better guidance and management in the ICU. The results of analysis are as follows ; 1) The total number of patients was 5,504; 792 patients in 1981, 771 patients in 1986, 1,036 patients in 1987, 1.393 patients in 1988, and 1.512 patients in 1989. There were continual increment annually since 1986, and 95% increment in 1989 compared to 1985. 2) The male patients were 3,681 and female patients were 1,823, and the ratio of male to female patients was about 2:1. The most frequent age group was 40-49 and the rate of which was 23.%. 3) The mean admission day was 5.9 days. There were continual increment annually and 13.3 % increment in 1989 compared to 1985, The number of patients stayed in the ICU for 1-2 days was highest and the rate of which was 36.1%. 4) The number of patients of neurosurgical department was 49.5% being the highest among all the patients. 5) The mortality rate was 10.4% and shows decreasing tendency annually. The mortality rate of 1-2 admission day was highest (13.3%). In age distribution, the mortaUty rate under the 10 years old was highest (17.4%) and in distribution by department, highest in the pediatric patients (24.5%). From the above results, we can conclude that in spite of increase in number of patients and admission days, the mortality rate has decreased annually due to improved equipments, support of nursing care, and specially qualified staffs.


Intensive care unit; Mortality rate; Equipments; Nursing care

MeSH Terms

Age Distribution
Intensive Care Units*
Critical Care*
Nursing Care
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