Korean J Dermatol.
1993 Dec;31(6):957-962.
A case of Addison's disease
- Addisons disease is the defieient production of glucocorticoid or mireralocorticoid or both, due to the destruction of the adrenal cor tex. We report a case of Addiaons disesse in a 26-year-old male who complained only of skin and oral mucosal hyperpigmentations without other constitutional symptorns, Physical examinations showed scanty pubic and axillary hsirs. On adrenocorticoid funtion study, the ACTH stimulstion test failed to rise the bassl plasme cortisol level and basal ACTH level was marked elevated st PM 6:00. Routine laboratory and other endocrinologic evaluations exhibited within normal limits. Radiologic findings showed negative on both cheet X-ray and abdominal MRI films. Gradisl disapperance of skin snd mucosal hyperpigmentation were noted following administration of phosiologic dose of corticosteriods. Almost normal appearance was obtaineg after 26 months treatment.