Asian Oncol Nurs.  2013 Sep;13(3):152-162. 10.5388/aon.2013.13.3.152.

Phenomenology of the Experiences of Women with Thyroidectomy

  • 1Department of Nursing, Dongkang University, Gwangju, Korea.
  • 2College of Nursing, Korea University, Seoul, Korea.


The purpose of this study was to identify the common themes of the experiences of women with thyroidectomies in Korea.
A descriptive phenomenological method was used in this study. The data were collected by individual in-depth interviews with six participants, and analyzed using methods presented by Colaizzi.
Five theme clusters were derived from the data as follows: "Uninvited guest came without notice", "Feeling of confinement", "Suffering and endurance to live", "Added suffering for a woman", "The crossover of anxiety and affirmation"
The results of this study can guide nurses to understand women with thyroidectomy and contribute to the nursing education program development and improvement of nursing practice.


Neoplasms; Thyroidectomy; Women; Phenomenology

MeSH Terms

Education, Nursing
Program Development


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