J Korean Ophthalmol Soc.  2008 Apr;49(4):669-672. 10.3341/jkos.2008.49.4.669.

A Case of Charles Bonnet Syndrome After Enucleation

  • 1Department of Ophthalmology, Gangnam St. Mary's Hospital, College of Medicine, The Catholic University, Seoul, Korea. yswoph@hanmail.net


PURPOSE: To report a case of Charles Bonnet syndrome in a patient who developed phantom vision of an enucleated eye. The patient had lost her vision because of a chemical burn 10 years previously.
A 37-year-old woman received enucleation of one eye because ocular pain and phthisis had developed due to a chemical burn that occurred 10 years previously. On the first postoperative day, she complained of phantom vision in the enucleated eye. The image she described was like sparkling bubbles. She had recognized the image was not real, and no psychological problems were found during pre- and postoperative periods. Her wound state was good, so she is currently wearing an artificial eye, though her phantom vision intermittently returns. She has adapted to her phantom vision such that she now rarely feels discomfort.
Charles Bonnet syndrome is a visual hallucination that occurs among the blind or those who are visually impaired. Besides ophthalmologic care, sociological and psychological care should be considered.


Charles bonnet syndrome; Enucleation; Phantom vision; Psychological care

MeSH Terms

Burns, Chemical
Eye, Artificial
Postoperative Period
Vision, Ocular


  • Figure 1. Patient's artistic description of phantom vision. Note that numerous floating and sparkling bubbles. They indepently move and oscilate. The image patient described was rarely changed. (Illustrated by Sojung Shin)



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