J Korean Ophthalmol Soc.  2003 Aug;44(8):1833-1838.

Long-Term Outcome of Patients with Partially Accommodative Esotropia Who had Augmented Surgery

  • 1Department of Ophthalmology, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. syoh@smc.samsung.co.kr


To investigate the long-term outcome of patients with partially accommodative esotropia who had augmented surgery. METHODS: Twenty patients with partially accommodative esotropia who underwent augmented surgery were studied retrospectively. The amount of medial rectus recession was measured based on the average of the near deviation with and without spectacle correction. During the follow-up period, the changes of refractive error and angle of deviation were evaluated and the Titmus test and Worth 4-Dot test were performed. The follow-up period was at least 24 months. RESULTS: The average follow-up period was 51.6+/-18.16 months (28~86 months). Seventeen patients showed postoperative deviations of 10 PD or less, one patient was overcorrected, two patients were undercorrected. Sensory tests were performed in 17 patients. Worth 4-dot test resulted in a fusion response at far in 6 patients and at near in 8 patients. Titmus stereotest resulted in positive fly (3000 seconds of arc) in all patients and more than 80 seconds of arc in 3 patients. CONCLUSIONS: Surgical overcorrection in patients with partially accommodative esotropia who had augmented surgery is not worrisome and augmented surgery provides some degrees of stereoacuity and fusion.


Augmented surgery; Partially accommodative esotropia

MeSH Terms

Follow-Up Studies
Refractive Errors
Retrospective Studies
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