J Korean Ophthalmol Soc.  2000 Apr;41(4):871-878.

The Developement of An Objective Test for Visual Acuity Assessment Using Optokinetic Nystagmus Stimuli Presented Head-Mounted Display: Seohan Objective Visual Acuity Test

  • 1Department of Ophthalmology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
  • 2School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, Handong University, Pohang, Korea.


The objective visual acuity test is mandatory in certain cases, such as infants, nonverbal subjects and subjects who need legal judgements. To produce more reliable objective method, we made a new objective system for visual acuity test which is called Seohan visual acuity test(SVT). The SVT system has three elements such as stimuli, display and evaluation. For the visual stimuli, the computer program for optokinetic nystagmus(OKN)test was set up in personal computer to control the size, speed and direction of the stimuli easily. The visual stimuli are presented on HeadMounted-Display(HMD)to separate the stimuli from the environment to keep the uniform size and distance of screen to the eye of subjects and project the stimulus in full central field of patient. Electrooculography(EOG) was used to assess the visual acuity more objectively. To evaluate the usefulness of SVT, the smallest size of the stimulus to elicit OKN(objective visual acuity)with SVT was obtained in 10 eyes in each twelve grade of subjective visual acuity(decimal V). Objective visual acuity(VA)were distributed from 8.3+/-1.87 to 21.4+/-3.1 and showed high correlation(p<0.00 ). The relationship between the objective VA obtained from SVT and subjective VA make a regression line(y=-12.874X+21.303).Subjective VA could be obtained from conversion of objective VA with 95%confidence belt. In conclusion, the objective visual acuity with SVT is highly correlated with subjective visual acuity and SVT using the OKN response to stimuli presented on HMD by the computer program can be useful in assessing visual function objectively.


Seohan visual acuity test; Computerized; HMD; EOG; Seohan

MeSH Terms

Nystagmus, Optokinetic*
Visual Acuity*
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