J Korean Ophthalmol Soc.  1998 Oct;39(10):2241-2246.

Results of LASIK According to Nomogram

  • 1Department of Ophthalmology, College of Medicine, Ulsan University, Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea.


To evaluate the accuracy of the nomogram for LASIK, we retrospectively studied 109 eyes of 81 patients who received LASIK and were followed up for at least 6 months, divided into 3 groups according to the nomogram: the group I include 19 eyed which performed stromal ablation with 85~95% do photorefractive keratectomy(PRK) nomogram, the group II included 60 eyes with 100% of PRK nomogram and the group III included 30 eyes with 105included 30 dyes with 105~110% of PRK nomogram. The Chiron utomated corneal shaper and the Visx 20/20 excimer laser were used in all eyes. Multizone multipass technique was used in all eyes. The mean preoperative spherical equivalent was -12.42D in group I, -11.43D in group II and -11.29D in group III. The mean postoperative spherical equivalent in group I was -0.89D at 1 month, -1.0D at 3 months, -1.64D at 6 months, in group II was -0.31D at 1 month, -0.62D at 3 months, -1.07D at 6 months and in group III was -0.22D at 1 month, -0.46D at 3 months, -0.84D at 6 months. Eleven eyes(58%) were within 1.00D if intended correction at 6 months in group I while 35 eyes(59%) in group II and 20 eyes(67%) in group III were within 1.00D of intended correction at 6 months. Our findings suggest that slight overcorrection is recommanded in LASIK and further study on LASIK nomogram may be required.


Laser in situ keratomileusi(LASIK); Nomogram; Refraction

MeSH Terms

Coloring Agents
Keratomileusis, Laser In Situ*
Lasers, Excimer
Retrospective Studies
Coloring Agents
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