J Korean Ophthalmol Soc.  1997 Sep;38(9):1566-1571.

Phacoemulsification by Phaco-Drill Method with Microseal Phaco Tip

  • 1Department of Ophthalmology, Kangnam St. Marys Hospital Catholic University Medical College Seoul, Korea.


Phacoemulsification has been regarded as a preferable extracapsular cataract extraction due to rapid improvement of vicual acuity and small amount of surgically induced astigmatism. Since its introduction in 1967 by Kelman, the technique of phacoemulsification has been developed from sculpting method to divide and conquer and chopping methods by several cataract surgeons. The efficacy of phaco-drill techniquer with Microseal type phaco tip, developed by C-K Joo was evaluated in this study. 563 eyes were operated on by Joo from April, 1995 to April, 1996. The cataractous lenses were divided into NO2Inuclear opacity), NO3, NO4, and NO5 according to the Lens Opacification Classification System(LOCS) III and the number of each were 140, 207, 125 and 91, respectively. Rapid impr- ovement of uncorrected visual acuity was noted at postoperative on day; 0.5-0.6 in NO2, 0.4-0.5 in NO3, and 0.3-0.4 in NO4 and NO5. The average consumption of irrigating solution during the operations was under 100ml in most cases. The average real action(%, sec) of phacoemulsifications calculated as power x time was increased from 538 in NO2 to 3747 in NO5 depending on the severity of lens opacity. Combination of phaco-drill and chopping technique was used in 67 cases of NO5. Posterior capsule rupture occurred in 15 cases(2.66%). In this study we confirmed that phaco-drill technique with the phaco tip beveled down is a safe and efficient phacoemulsifying technique and be combined with the chopping technique.


Phaco-drill; Phacoemulsification; Microsea

MeSH Terms

Cataract Extraction
Visual Acuity
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