J Korean Ophthalmol Soc.  1988 Jun;29(3):377-385.

The Study on the Necessity of Cycloplegic Refraction in School Children

  • 1Department of Ophthalmology, College of Medicine, Chung Ang University, Seoul, Korea.


In order to evaluate the necessity of the cycloplegic refraction in mass screening examination for school children, the 3,541 students of primary, middle and high school graders in Seoul were selected for the survey. Manifest and cycloplegic refraction were carried out respectively before and after instillation of 1% Cyclogyl eye drops. 1) Following the instillation of 1% Cyclogyl, the mean refractive power of students in total number was changed from -0.86D. to -0.49D. with statistical significance(p<0.01) and it also indicated that the more higher school graders held the less differences of the diopters between the results of each procedure. 2) Cycloplegic refraction became increased in diopter 0.35D. in emmetropes, 0.98D. in hyperopes, and it became decreased in diopter 0.1D. in myopes. The differences in each group were statistically significant(emmetropes: t=31, p<0.0001, hyperopes: t=40.5, p<0.0001, myopes: t=5.56, p<0.0001). 3) Number of myopia detected diminished following in cycloplegic examination, and the difference of its decreasing numbers was less in higher graders. Conversely, the number of hyperopes detected increased following the cyclopegic examination, but the differences of its increasing the numbers was less in higher graders. As a conclusion, it is recommendable that the cycloplegic refraction should be applied to the mass screening in school-age children, especially to examination of refractive errors of certain state of younger age group with hyperopia.

MeSH Terms

Mass Screening
Ophthalmic Solutions
Refractive Errors
Ophthalmic Solutions
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