J Korean Acad Conserv Dent.  2010 Jan;35(1):30-39. 10.5395/JKACD.2010.35.1.030.

The effect of the amount of interdental spacing on the stress distribution in maxillary central incisors restored with porcelain laminate veneer and composite resin: A 3D-finite element analysis

  • 1Department of Conservative Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea. chobh@snu.ac.kr
  • 2Mechanical Aerospace Engineering, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju, Korea.


This study evaluated the influence of the type of restoration and the amount of interdental spacing on the stress distribution in maxillary central incisors restored by means of porcelain laminate veneers and direct composite resin restorations. Three-dimensional finite element models were fabricated to represent different types of restorations. Four clinical situations were considered. Type I, closing diastema using composite resin. Labial border of composite resin was extended just enough to cover the interdental space; Type II, closing diastema using composite resin without reduction of labial surface. Labial border of composite resin was extended distally to cover the half of the total labial surface; Type III, closing diastema using composite resin with reduction of labial surface. Labial border of the preparation and restored composite resin was extended distally two-thirds of the total labial surface; Type IV, closing diastema using porcelain laminate veneer with a feathered-edge preparation technique. Four different interdental spaces (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 mm) were applied for each type of restorations. For all types of restoration, adding the width of free extension of the porcelain laminate veneer and composite resin increased the stress occurred at the bonding layer. The maximum stress values observed at the bonding layer of Type IV were higher than that of Type I, II and III. However, the increasing rate of maximum stress value of Type IV was lower than that of Type I, II and III.


Three dimensional-finite element analysis; Interdental space; Porcelain laminate veneer; Composite resin; Bonding layer; Stress distribution

MeSH Terms

Dental Porcelain
Dental Porcelain


  • Figure 1 Finite element models of each type of restorations. a. Type I, b. Type II, c. Type III, d. Type IV.

  • Figure 2 Load angulation. 50 N of load was applied at 125° angles (tearing force) with the tooth's longitudinal axis at the palatal surface of the crown.

  • Figure 3 von Mises stress distribution patterns of each type of restoration. These figures represent stress distribution at the tooth side of bonding layer. a. Type I with interdental space of 2.0 mm. b. Type II with interdental space of 2.0 mm. c. Type III with interdental space of 2.0 mm. d. Type IV with interdental space of 2.0 mm.

  • Figure 4 Line graphs of maximum von Mises stress values at the cervical area of the tooth side of bonding layer. Horizontal axis means interdental space. Vertical axis means von Mises stress values (MPa).

  • Figure 5 Maximum von Mises stress values in Type II restoration which was restored with porcelain laminate veneer instead of composite resin.


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