Ewha Med J.  1993 Mar;16(1):95-104. 10.12771/emj.1993.16.1.95.

Analysis of Preoperative Consultation to Aesthesiology

  • 1Department of Anesthesiology, College of Medicine, Ewha Womans University, Korea.


Preoperative consultation interwines anesthesiology, surgery and internal medicine. Its goalis the efficient transfer of information in each consultant's speciality to other members ofthe team caring for the patient thus increasing the liklihood of satisfactory outcome and decresaing the morbidity and the mortality. Form January 1988 to December 1992 at the anesthetic department of Ewha Womans University Hospital, 775 patients who were consulted to department of anesthesiology preoperativelywere analized annually, according to age, ASA classification, depaartments, causative diseases.recommendations and anesthetic methods. The results were as follows : 1) The ratio of anesthetic consultation to operation was 3.8% Annually consultation ratiowas increased about twice from 2.0% in 1988 to 4.1% in 1992. 2) The number of 61~70 years of age was the greatest number of cases as 156 cases(20.1%).each 132 cases(17.0%) were in 51~60 and 71~80 years of age, 45 cases(5.9%) over 81 yearsof age and 26 cases(3.4%) under 1 year of age. Over 61 years of age were 333 cases(43.0%). 3) According to ASA clssification. 406 cases(52.4%) in class 2 was the greatest and theorder was 332 cases(42.9%) in class 3, 22 cases(2.8%) in class 4. The almost cases were inclass 2 and 3. 4) Comparing between departments, the order of the greatest number of cases was 239 cases(30.9%) of orthopedic forgery. 151 cases(19.5%) of general surgery. 131 cases(16.9%) of urologyand 114 cases(14.7%) of chest surgery. 5) Comparing between causative diseases. the order of the greatest number of cases was389 cases of repiratory diseases. 326 cases of cardivoascular diseases. 124 cases of endocrinedisease and 89 cases of hepatic diseases. 6) About preoperative recommendations. the number of the checklists for the respiratorydiseases was 249 cases 173 cases for the cardiovasclar disease and 153 cases for the hematologicdiseases. 177 cases was anesthetic permission that was taken by anesthesiologist with sufficient explanations to patients and relatives about the risk of anesthesia and surgery. The numberof consultation to other department was 96 cases and 272 cases was no more necessaries ofmanagements. 7) According to anesthetic managements, the number of general anesthesia was 484 cases(62.5%) and that of regional anesthesia was 159 cases(20.5%). Among the regional anesthesiathe incidence of epidural anesthesia was increased annually and up to 96 cases(12.4%) andthat of spinal anesthesia was decreased to 57 cases(7.3%).

MeSH Terms

Anesthesia, Conduction
Anesthesia, Epidural
Anesthesia, General
Anesthesia, Spinal
Internal Medicine
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