Korean J Anesthesiol.  1993 Feb;26(1):72-78. 10.4097/kjae.1993.26.1.72.

Bolus Dose of Esmolol for Prevention of Post-Extubation Cavdiovaocular Regporses in Open-Heart Patients

  • 1Department of Anesthesiology, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Korea.


In respiratory intensive care unit, hemodnamic changes following extubation with or without bolus esmolol were evaluated in fourty two patients who underwent open heart surgery. They were divided into three groups. E0 group(no esmolol was given before extubation), E, group(esmolol in a dose of 1.0 mg/kg was given before extubation), and E; group(esmolol in a dose of 1.5 mg/kg was given before extubation). Number of patients in each group was fourteen, respectively. In Eo group, heart rate was increased significantly(p< 0.0l) just after extubation compared to baseline. But, in E, and E1 group, heart rate was unchanged significantly during extubation. The changes of heart rate due to extubation were significantly(p< 0.05) different between Eo and E, group, Eo and E, group but not different between E, and E group. Systolic blood pressure was not changed during extubation in Ei and Ei group and the changes of systolic blood pressure due to extubation were not different between groups. We may suggest that 1.0 mg/kg bolus esmolol attenuates cardiovascular responses to extubation and we should pay a special attention to the drug interaction of esmolol with other adrenergic blockers.


Extubation; Esmolol; Cardiovascular; Open heart surgery

MeSH Terms

Adrenergic Antagonists
Blood Pressure
Drug Interactions
Heart Rate
Intensive Care Units
Thoracic Surgery
Adrenergic Antagonists
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