J Korean Med Assoc.  2009 Apr;52(4):322-325. 10.5124/jkma.2009.52.4.322.

Health Promotion Services and Chronic Disease Management and Preventive services

  • 1Department of Preventive Medicine & Public Health, Ajou University College of Medicine, Korea. ajoujkh@ajou.ac.kr


The goal is to improve the national health level in our country. To achieve this how to manage the chronic diseases cost-effectively is very important. Population-based comprehensive Chronic Care Model approach should be arranged in the national health insurance framework. It is necessary that private health promotion services are launched in the market, but we should focus on which way of delivering preventive services can benefit in the future.


Chronic disease management; Preventive service; Population-based comprehensive service; Health promotion service

MeSH Terms

Chronic Disease
Health Promotion
Health Status
National Health Programs


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